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Karine Joannette


Karine Joannette is a paralegal specializing in corporate and commercial law. As part of her duties, Karine participates with the firm’s lawyers in the drafting of closing documents pertaining to various transactions, including incorporations, organizations, acquisitions, amendments to articles of incorporation, mergers, reorganizations, dissolutions, prorogations, revivals, share capital, extra-provincial registrations, rollovers and other transactions involving shares 

Karine also performs minute book audits, various corporate searches in many different public registries as part of due diligence.

Smiling and jovial, Karine is the ideal ally for lawyers, clients and their accountants. Endowed with a strong strategic mind, she places great importance on the quality of interpersonal relations, while bringing the most complex transactions to a successful conclusion.



  • Legal Techniques, Collège Ahuntsic, 2007


  • French
  • English